Buddha Dhamma

The Triple Gem
Buddha - one's own potential for awakening and the historic Buddha
Dharma - the teachings of the Buddha; the fact of the way matters are
Sangha - the community; in Asia this describes the monastic community, in the West lay professionals are included by this
All these may also be known as The Three Refuges:
There's anguish
The source of suffering is craving
There's an end to suffering
The solution to the ending of suffering is the Noble Eightfold Path
Wisdom (panna) Variables:
Right Comprehension (or perspective)
Right Idea (or goal)

Moral Run (or sila) Variables:

  • Right Language
  • Appropriate Actions
  • Perfect Support

Focus (or samadhi) Variables:

  • Right Attempt
  • Right Mindfulness
  • Correct Focus

Mindfulness of the body in the body (contains the breath as well as the four elements: earth, fire, water, atmosphere)
Mindfulness in the mind of your head
Mindfulness of the mind of objects

  • Impermanence (anicca)
  • Suffering (dukkha)
  • No Self (anatta)

The Four Brahma Viharas (Divine Abodes)

  • Loving kindness (metta)
  • Compassion (karuna)
  • Empathetic Joy (mudita)
  • Equanimity (upekkha)

To refrain from taking that which isn't freely given
To refrain from unskillful language that is unwise/

The Hindrances

  • Animal Want (kammachanda)
  • Rage or ill will (byapada vyapada)
  • Restlessness (uddhacca=kukkucca)
  • Doubt (vicikiccha)
  • Mindfulness (sati)
  • Energy (viriya)
  • Rapture (piti)
  • Tranquility (passaddhi)
  • Concentration (samadhi)
  • Equanimity (upekkha)


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